Nuevas herramientas para la toma de decisiones en ETS
17 agosto, 2015Litígios judiciais em saúde
26 agosto, 20152nd Meeting of the International Academy of Health Preferences Research
On September 29, 2015 was held the 2nd Meeting of the International Academy of Health Preferences Research featuring the presentation of numerous exponents of the area as Dr. Jan Ostermann, Dr. Kathleen Marie Beusterien, Dr. Dean A. Regier, and Dr. Terry Nicholas Flynn. The event was held in Queensland, Australia, chaired by Dr. Emily Lancsar from Monash University. The event featured the presentation of members as Dr. Joel Hay, Dr. Benjamin M Craig, Dra. Kristen Howard, Dra. Jennifer A. Whitty and John F. Bridges.
3rd Meeting of the International Academy of Health Preferences Research
On October 18, 2015 was held the 3rd Meeting of the International Academy of Health Preferences Research in St Louis, USA, chaired by Dr. Derek Brown from Washington University. The event featured the presentation of numerous exponents of the area as Dr. Jan Ostermann, Dr. Kathleen Marie Beusterien, Dr. Dean A. Regier, and Dr. Terry Nicholas Flynn.
More information available on the International Academy of Health Preferences Research page on the link