The Health Technology Assessment Network of the Americas (RedETSA) is a network made up of health ministries and institutions, health technology assessment agencies, regulatory authorities, collaborating centers of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and education and research institutions in the region of the Americas.
Our Network has the participation of 21 member countries represented by 42 institutions that exchange valuable information to promote the health technology evaluation process in the Americas.


Institutions and countries in the Americas region that are part of the network


Consultation tools that allow us to strengthen HTA


Access the complete Program of Webinars organized by RedETSA

Member countries
Member institutions
HTA reports in BRISA
Regional Database of Health Technology Assessment Reports of the Americas

It is the first open regional virtual library with free access to bibliographic information on 3,500 health technology evaluations prepared and published by RedETSA member institutions and strategics partners.
Learn about the experience of other countries to unify efforts and promote the incorporation of effective health technologies.

Country profiles

A tool to better understand the context in coverage decision-making and the region's health systems.

Learn about the outline of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes and health coverage decision-making in each of the countries in the Region of the Americas.

Access our WEBINARS program