Speakers: Victoria Hurtado Meneses, Biomedical Engineer (University of Valparaíso), MSc in Health Economics (University of York), Department of Health Technology Assessment, Ministry of Health of Chile and Catherine De la Puente Agurto, Nurse, Specialist in adult intensive care, Mg in Clinical Epidemiology (University of La Frontera), Mg. Health and Drug Economics (Pompeu Fabra University), Department of Health Technology Assessment, Ministry of Health of Chile
Issue:The Economic Evaluation (EE) transferability methodology is proposed as a plausible possibility to inform decision makers about the cost-effectiveness of a health alternative in less time, especially considering that countries have limited economic resources to develop research, in addition to the urgency in requesting this type of information from the authorities. Although the construction of a “de novo” study remains the gold standard for providing valid evidence of the cost-effectiveness of a health intervention, there are cases in which there is a lot of evidence of the cost-effectiveness of technologies that have been evaluated with similar results in several countries; it is in these cases that it would be recommended to use the EE transferability methodology, so that the response provided to decision makers is based on solid evidence and in a short period of time.