XI Meeting of RedETSA-Costa Rica 2019
16 October, 2019
The Institute for Clinical and Health Effectiveness (IECS) of Argentina, as a WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center in HTA, is offering 4 scholarships this semester to RedETSA members to participate in its virtual courses. This semester, the courses offered by IECS are the following:
For more information on the details of each course, please click on the course title above or through the “Health Technology Assessment and Economic Evaluations” section of the following link: http://www.iecs.org.ar/cursos/
To apply for the scholarships, you must meet the following requirements (in addition to the specific requirements for each course, described on the IECS website):
Application deadline: Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:59pm (Washington DC time)
The final definition of beneficiaries will be carried out in coordination with the PAHO representations in the countries to which the applicants belong.