November 3, 2016New Member – ISSS
18 November, 2016
We inform you that the next videoconference of the program CONITEC in Evidence will be carried out on day 07/11 (Second-Friday) at 4pm, as the theme “Preparation of Pregnant Care Directives to be presented by Dr. João Batista Lima, Sofia Feldman Hospital.
To access or CONITEC in Evidence, follow the guidelines below:
If you want to assist your computer
The videoconference will be broadcast live over the Internet. To attend, access or link
To ask questions and make comments during the transmission, send an email to conitec.evidencia@saude.
If you have videoconferencing equipment available
As institutions that have videoconferencing equipment we can actively participate in the sessions, interacting live with the speakers, guests and other connected institutions.
To receive access instructions, please send an email to conitec.evidencia@saude.
– Name of the institution;
– Equipment IP;
– Name of local support technician:
– Contact of local support technician (e-mail and telephone).