Methodologies and Resources related to different stages of HTA
20 July, 2015Uruguayan Ministry of Health receives award at INAHTA annual meeting
10 August, 2015Alex Faulkner in the book's preface: Medical Technology into Healthcare and Society: a Sociology of Devices, Innovation and GovernanceEngland 2009, argues that medical devices, compared to drugs, are the Cinderella of technologies, since many of the mechanisms that govern them, including the processes of production, promotion, adoption and evaluation, are unknown.
This space will cover some aspects surrounding the specific chapter on medical devices in the HTA environment.
1. The Technological Imperative in Medicine, 1981. The book covers some historical aspects of technology adoption and argues for the existence of a technological imperative. This topic is also addressed by Dr. Bjørn Hofmann, University of Oslo, in the article: Is there a technological imperative in health care?.
2. Redirecting innovation in US Healthcare, Options to Decrease Spending and Increase Value, 2014. A valuable publication from the RAND collaboration that addresses many aspects related to technological innovation and medical devices.
Contribution: Maurício Duarte Ruano