Next Webinar – Friday, August 30
27 August, 2019XI Meeting of RedETSA-Costa Rica 2019
16 October, 2019
The next Friday, October 11, at 11:00 AM, Eastern Time in the United States will take place on 29th edition of the RedETSA Webinars program. He Dr. Francisco Caccavo and the Dr. Lucila Rey Ares, advisors to the Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Government of Health of Argentina and working in the technical coordination of theNational Commission for the Evaluation of Health Technologies of Argentina – CONETEC They will give a presentation on the “Functioning of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Health Technologies of Argentina – CONETEC one and a half years after its creation.”
The Webex link we will use is the following: https://bit.ly/2IqlZ05
We count on your presence.