Cómo afiliarse

Application to join RedETSA

The following may be members of RedETSA:

  • Ministries of Health, regulatory authorities, public health technology evaluation institutions, and institutions responsible for making decisions to incorporate technologies in health systems.
  • Educational and research institutions, public and private, non-profit, that have a minimum of two years of experience in the production of STD reports and/or research on the health decision-making process.
  • Non-profit hospitals that have an institutionalized STD area and that have carried out STD studies for at least the last two years.
  • Collaborating Centers of the World Health Organization in the Region, for as long as they maintain this status.

To be accepted as a new member of RedETSA, the institution must meet the following requirements:

1. Express your interest in being part of RedETSA, through a letter of intent, which describes:

  • the work carried out in the field of ETS;
  • the number of professionals involved;
  • the main activities carried out at ETS in the last two years.

In the event that the request is from a Ministry or Regulatory Authority without previous experience in ETS, the letter must indicate the reasons of the institution for requesting entry into the Network.

2. Formally appoint two representatives, one regular and one alternate, to attend meetings, either virtually or in person.

For more information write to redetsa@paho.org