Presentations from the Professional Exchange Program – Canada
8 February, 2017The Future of Health Preferences in Regulatory and Clinical Decisions
13 February, 2017VIII Founding of the Network of Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde das Américas (RedETSA)
National Health Technology Avaliação Forum
IV Regional Meeting of HTAi
The VIII Meeting of the Health Technology Avaliation Network of the Americas (RedETSA) took place on October 5, 6 and 7, 2016 in the city of San Salvador, El Salvador. Embora fosse estimated that about 100 participants would attend the meeting, but there were more than 200 participants coming from 28 institutions from 14 countries in the region. The Conference allowed the introduction of relevant data from the health system of El Salvador and the concepts for the endorsement of health technologies (ATS); Discuss and develop relevant topics and share experiences between RedETSA members and invited specialists; Sharing progress and challenges between members of the Network in defining a work plan for 2017. The meeting was divided into three different sections in a period of three days: a launch session, the meeting of RedETSA in conjunction with the National STD Forum of El Salvador and the Regional Meeting of HTA A meeting for the member countries of RedETSA.
Day 1 – Introductory Session
The first part was an introductory session, where forum topics were developed on the fundamental concepts of HTA, the importance of ATS for universal health coverage. On the afternoon of the first day, questions such as economic assessment and its importance for decision-making and mapping of capabilities were discussed.
Day 1 and 2 – RedETSA Meeting, National ATS Forum of El Salvador, HTAi
The following section includes the National ATS Forum of El Salvador, as well as the regional HTAi meeting. Topics discussed during this session will include, among others, the progress in the institutionalization of ATS in the Americas, decisions on expensive medications, and the resolution of drug cases and events in the use of ATS.
Day 3 – Meeting scheduled
The last section of the event was a meeting scheduled for the members of RedETSA. There are 28 participants representing 23 institutions present. The countries represented are Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru and Uruguay. We will also participate in the Escola Andaluza de Saúde Pública, from Spain. The central session discusses the activities carried out in 2016 and the main achievements of the country during the year. The update of the site, exchange program and priorities for 2017 were also discussed.
The presentation is available at