CONITEC lança guia “Entendendo a incorporação de tecnologias na saúde – como envolvê-la”
21 de outubro de 2016CONITEC em Evidência: “Elaboração de Diretrizes de Assistência à Gestante”
3 de novembro de 2016
On 5 and 6 December, the event will be held in commemoration of the 5 years of the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies, Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no SUS (CONITEC) in Portuguese, In Brasil
The different aspects of the Commission’s activity will be addressed in the scope of incorporation, exclusion or alteration of health technologies, in addition to the elaboration of clinical guidelines. Challenges and processes will be discussed with a view to ensuring a transparent and integrative action .
Deadline for registration: November 10, 2016.
To participate, access the link:
Attached follows the Event Schedule (only available in Portuguese)