14th edition of RedETSA’s Webinars Program
21 marzo, 2017Inclusión del CUFAR a RedETSA
25 abril, 2017“Health technology disinvestment – the case of Insulin Glargine in Ecuador”
- Date: April 21st, 2017
- Speaker: Christian Gavilanes Castellanos, Andrea Sánchez and Ruth Lucio, from the Ministry of Health, Ecuador
- Theme: The aim of the webinar was to explore the issue of disinvestment, which is a potential outcome of HTA, and how it can provide greater access to the population to technologies that demonstrate efficacy and safety. The presentation provided an example of the experience of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health in divesting in Insuline Glargine.
- Language: Spanish, without translation
*Available in Spanish only*
The webinar is available at the following link:Webinar – “Health technology disinvestment – the case of Insulin Glargine in Ecuador’’